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''The dark magic of SEO'' - that's how
a famous SEO once described
Offsite optimization.

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OffSite optimization

The off-site optimization typically takes place following the OnSite-SEO and is a continuous process. It includes all kinds of actions which are performed away from your website.

The major element in off-site optimization are the so-called back links. Backlinks are links from different websites pointing at your website. In general, the following rule applies: the more backlinks your website has, the better you will rank in the search engines. However, the details are important. Not only the quantity, but also and especially the quality of the backlinks is decisive:

  • Where do the back links come from? (type of website, page rank, topic of the website, number of links on that page, etc)
  • Are the links do-follow or no-follow? (the latter type is not considered as important by search engines for evaluating tthe link popularity of a website)
  • What do the anchor text of the links like? (the anchor text can vary widely, as well as the effect of the link on your rankings)
  • Do just a few sites link to you from a lot of pages each, or do a lot of sites link to you from just one page each? This can be interpreted completely differently by search engines.
  • etc

Creating backlinks should always be viewed as that continuous process, and not a one-time operation. However, this does not exclude fast optimization successes. In about 70 to 80% of our projects, we are able to achieve substantial success already during the first six to eight weeks.

Different to some SEO agencies, we do not believe that during off site optimization any trick and any technique are good game. We strictly adhere to ethical, so-called white hat SEO guidelines. among other things, we use the following techniques for our off site link building: blogger cooperations, press releases, three-way link exchanges, and more.

Off-site optimization is a complex topic and should be approached as individually as your website is. Therefore, we first discuss with every single customer, which methods he would like to employ, and with which intensity. Furthermore, we stay in close contact with our customers during the off site optimization, so that strategy changes and modifications are possible any time.

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