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SEO Tips


SEO TIPS In Search Engine Optimization (SEO) there are many methods and tips that all aim to bring websites up to organic results on search engines (especially Google). SEO tips can change over time as search engines revise and refine their evaluation methods on an ongoing basis. However, many SEO tips have proven themselves over a long period and will most likely still be valid in the future. SEO Tips for On-Page Optimization SEO starts at the website itself ( On-Page ), because here can be optimized a lot. When it comes to content, it's all about the right keywords ( for example, for a promotional product webshop, this can be a "giveaway"). A common SEO tip for On-Page optimization is to focus on multiple relevant keywords, with a keyword density of 2-6% (ideally 3-4%). It should be noted here that some keywords (e.g. "holidays") have strong competition, e.g. if there are a lot of websites on this topic. A proven SEO tip is here to put on a niche keyword, e.g. "eco-travel" instead of "vacation". "Content is King" is another much-heard SEO tip. Web content should be relevant and of interest to users, as quality text is quickly becoming popular and liked to share, raising Google's ranking. Flash should be used on websites only where it is useful or necessary and links are best never embedded in Flash. This SEO tip is important because Flash's structure makes it harder to optimize than HTML, and not all the content of search engine crawlers can be captured. Many SEO tips refer to the meta-structure of websites: Ideally, the main keyword already comes in the domain name. A clear navigation also has a positive effect on the ranking. Important keywords should appear in headings and highlights (bold, italic). SEO Tips for Off-Page Optimization The SEO also includes the so-called Off-Page optimization , which includes all measures outside of their website. Much of the SEO tips refers to the link building, so the building of links to external websites to your page. SEO tips on link building are so common because search engines rate the popularity of a website by the number and quality of the websites linking to it. A tip of many SEO agencies for link building is to directly contact website operators or online editors and to present his website. If these are of interest, the chances of a link or even an article are good. Also, who correctly implements all SEO tips, needs a bit of patience, because search engines rate websites more on a long-term basis and the popularity of a website grows only gradually. In most cases months can be expected before SEO tips pay off. » Request a detailed analysis and optimization quote free of charge

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