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SEO Workshop What can one expect from an SEO workshop? The field of search engine optimization is still a book for many entrepreneurs with seven seals. Although almost all small and medium-sized companies now have attractively designed websites, the hoped-for inflow often remains. The reason for this is that very few company websites are optimized for relevant search terms. However, a top placement is only possible if the site can be found by internet users. In order to give their employees, the necessary tools to optimize a company website, more and more companies are booking an SEO seminar. At the beginning of such an event, the facilitator gives a brief introduction to the world of search engines. Although Google and Co. are used by millions of people every day, hardly any internet user knows how these systems work. The fact that only the ten best-placed websites even record significant numbers of visitors is, therefore, a surprise for some students. This is due to the fact that the places from rank 11 onwards are given little attention by most users. These and other basics are conveyed in an easy to understand SEO seminar. Link building is an important topic in every SEO seminar. In order to promote a website to the top positions of the search engines, so-called backlinks have to be set up. These links should come from as many different sources as possible and have a certain quality. Anyone attending an SEO seminar avoids many beginner mistakes, which can permanently damage the ranking of a page. The participants learn, among other things, which link sources are classified by the search engines as serious and which websites one should avoid. Other topics that are discussed during an SEO seminar are keyword analysis, content creation, search engine marketing, SEO tools, and on-page optimization. Is it worth it to book an SEO seminar? An SEO seminar is a real help for those who have never dealt with search engine optimization. The advantage of such a course is that the information provided comes from competent experts. If you conduct a search on the subject of SEO on your own, you often do not get clear answers to your questions. An SEO seminar is an entertaining event in which you get interesting insights into the everyday life of a search engine optimizer. The facilitator passes on his experiences to the students and provides valuable tips that can be used in their daily work. An SEO seminar can be conceived as a lecture, as an open discussion round or as a workshop. If you want to train your employees in the field of search engine optimization, SEO Suisse is the right contact person. An SEO seminar helps you to make a big leap forward in the hit lists and to establish your website on the top positions of the search engines. » Request a detailed analysis and optimization quote free of charge
* Nur verfügbar für neue Google AdWords Konten mit Anschrift in der Schweiz