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SEO Company


THIS IS WHAT DISTINGUISHES A GOOD SEO COMPANY Finding an SEO company worth its money is not an easy task. The Swiss online market now has a large number of companies active in the field of search engine optimization. The following questionnaire will help you to find a suitable company within a short time. Which contract terms does the SEO company offer you? The contract terms are a point that is often given too little attention in the search for an SEO company. There are some companies in the local market where the minimum contract period is 6 months. The period of notice is usually set at 3 months. From the SEO company, this is a good solution, as it can greatly minimize the risk in this way. However, the customer has a different claim - he wants high rankings, and preferably without any binding. If you find an SEO firm where you can terminate your contract at the end of each month, you are on the safe side: you can wait and see how your placements develop and keep your financial risk low. Is the SEO company flexible? A good SEO company should be able to think and act flexibly . Particularly in the fast-moving e-commerce sector, search engine optimization places high demands on the site operators. The long-term success in the network depends heavily on how adaptable the commissioned SEO company is. Established service providers can respond at any time to new developments in the search engine market (e.g. after Google updates) and to initiate the necessary measures quickly. The employees of such companies always keep their ear on the pulse of the times and constantly broaden their horizons. If your needs change, for example by expanding your target markets, a good SEO company will provide you with expert advice and support in all areas. Did the SEO firm commit to a top 10 ranking? To be an SEO company with guaranteed top rankingsadvertise, you should go a long way. Why there is no guaranteed first place for your keywords becomes clear when looking at the ranking algorithms of search engines. These are subject to a strict secrecy and are composed of hundreds of individual factors whose weighting changes constantly. The algorithms are subject to a constant development and adaptation process. Even industry insiders can not predict how the search formulas will change over the coming months and years. In a Google Update, placements can shift from one day to the next. Also, no SEO company has any influence on how well your competitors position themselves and how much effort your market competitors are making. Does your conversation partner make a serious impression? Most SEO companies offer a free initial consultationwhich usually takes place by telephone or by messenger (eg via Skype). The interview is preceded by an analysis of your existing website, which should also be free of charge. At established SEO companies, you can also arrange a personal consultation appointment in the premises of the service provider. If desired, the consultant will even visit you at your premises. If, in the course of the conversation, you get the impression that your conversation partner is mastering his profession, this is a good sign. Pay attention to the choice of words of your counterpart: A serious adviser will make no promises that he can not keep. He discusses the current situation with you, treats you respectfully and allows you to ask questions. What services does the SEO company offer? The more web services an SEO company offers, the better. In addition to on-page and off-page optimization, the service catalog should also include search engine advertising (eg using Google AdWords), content marketing, social media marketing (see below) and web design. A comprehensive consultation with subsequent implementation of the discussed measures is a matter of course with established SEO companies. Upon request, the service provider will be pleased to assist you in coordinating Google search queries and your product offer. To estimate the possible traffic per keyword, the SEO firm carries out a thorough analysis of search engine traffic and the current competitive situation. Does the SEO company have social media skills? Whether as a sales channel or seismograph for market developments: social media are becoming increasingly important in business life. Extensive competencies in social media marketingare therefore a key factor in finding a good SEO company. While it is theoretically possible to delegate this task to another service provider, outsourcing social media work is difficult in practice. A good SEO company knows how to handle the social web technical tools and can represent your company on social media. A certain amount of creativity is necessary for this. Equally important is the willingness to observe the social media industry, as new developments are taking place at ever shorter intervals. How does the SEO company approach the link? The link profile forms the basis of your search engine ranking . Of course, many other factors are included in the calculation of the placement - but today there are only a few niches in which the number and quality of the backlinks play no role. This term refers to links on external websites that refer to your page. Reputable SEO companies follow the rules of the search engine and use a balanced mix of reputative web portals, carefully selected theme blogs, industry directories (eg "Google My Business") and other link sources. This will ensure that your web presence is still ranked high after the next Google update. Can the SEO company provide verifiable references? An established SEO firm can prove their statements at any time by presenting references . Ideally, the SEO customers come from different industries. If your industry is in the mentioned sectors, this is a plus. The ranking of the specified projects can be used to find out if the service provider understands his work. A good way to check the validity of the references is to contact the companies and to ask for feedback on the work done by the respective SEO company. If you want to get an idea of the quality of backlinks generated by the agency, you can use one of the free tools found on this page . » Request a detailed analysis and optimization quote free of charge

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