Google SEO
Google has a market share of around 94 percent in Switzerland. Competitors such as Bing or Yahoo are far behind in the subsequent ranks and it is foreseeable that nothing will change that quickly. Any website owner who is looking for a high level of search engine placement is therefore well advised to deal with Google SEO. The SEO Suisse team has put together the most important facts about this topic for you.
Google SEO: The most important ranking factors
Search engine optimization is a field that has some real, but also many self-proclaimed experts. How much someone understands about Google SEO is easy to figure out when it comes to ranking factors. These are changing almost daily, as Google is constantly adapting its search algorithm to the developments of the online market. SEO agencies that want to get the best possible results for their clients are therefore forced to keep abreast of current changes. This means, in particular, the Google updates (e.g. the phantom updates), but also smaller adjustments can affect the Google SEO.
By admission, the search algorithm used by Google consists of more than 200 individual factors. Some of the key things to keep in mind with Google SEO include:
• Quality of content
• Number and quality of the backlinks
• Internal link structure
• Use of the keyword at the URL level
• Mobility of the site
• User signals (ratings, social media)
• Loading time and length of stay
There is no question that the quality of the content in the determination of the SEO ranking has a special meaning. Among other things, this can be seen from the fact that many text-based websites achieve high rankings despite long loading times and suboptimal user guidance. Today it is essential to focus on the quality of the content in Google SEO. The weighting of other factors depends heavily on the market environment in which you are moving. You will find more about this in the next but one section.
Ranking factors outside Google SEO
If you want to start a new website or do a comprehensive relaunch, any reputable SEO agency will advise you to include non-Google SEO factors in your planning. A particularly important role is played by the user experience (also referred to as user experience or ' UX '). Well-known Google employees like John Mueller or Matt Cutts point out in their video blogs again and again that the added value created with a page is of immense importance in determining the search engine position. The basic intention should, therefore, be to meet the needs of the user - however, these may look.
What is meant by a positive user experience depends primarily on what content is offered on the website and how it is presented. The Google SEO for media-intensive websites is often difficult because the loading times are naturally longer than text-based websites. On the other hand, many users who visit such sites accept the longer waiting times and do not expect the page called up within a few seconds. There are also websites where the user doesn't need to stay on the site for a long time. Ultimately, it's about satisfying the visitor and ensuring that the information you're looking for is available on the landing page. If this is the case, you have automatically included all the important factors of Google SEO in the planning.
The competitor analysis: The starting point of effective SEO measures
Every successful SEO firm performs a thorough competition analysis at the beginning of their work. That's the only way to find out which keywords need to be at the center of Google SEO. Also, one can determine in a competitor analysis, which SEO measures the competitors have taken and how the relevant websites are content. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of competitors is one of the core tasks of Google SEO. Professional search engine agencies have powerful tools that provide meaningful data on various ranking signals (eg social media activities). Based on this data, it is possible to make longer-term decisions and develop a competitive advantage.
To be successful with Google SEO, it also requires a thorough analysis of the market environment. Ultimately, the crucial question is what should be achieved with the website. Advertised space is rented on reach-financed websites, which include, for example, large news portals - here, the focus is clearly on traffic generation. What kind of visitors it is, rather secondary. Focusing on a clearly defined customer segment, the task is to generate qualified visitors with a clear buying interest. To be able to run a business profitably, it may take a few hundred visitors a month - for example, to sell high-priced items such as art prints or rare old-timers.
The key performance indicators ( Key Performance Indicators or KPIs ) are the linchpin of Google SEO. These are different for each web page. For new pages, it is advisable to focus first on long-tail keywords with low search volume and then work up slowly. If you have a high-visibility portal with good visibility, it may be possible to directly attack your competitors and focus your optimization on more competitive keywords.
Google SEO vs. Bing SEO: the differences
If you ask an inexperienced search engine optimizer what the differences between Google SEO and Bing optimization are, you usually will not get a satisfactory answer. Connoisseurs of the search engine market know that there are quite a few points in which the two platforms differ. For example, when evaluating websites, Google places a lot of emphasis on the authority and quality of the backlinks, while Bing puts a heavyweight on the title and domain. It is ideal to divide the title so that it can be optimally split into small parts via the implementation of special characters. This approach is also useful in Google SEO, although there are many more ways to make the title search engine-friendly.
Similar to the Google SEO you should also make sure that the snippets are not automatically cut off in the Bing SEO. If the page description or title ends with three dots (...), it will negatively impact the clickthrough rate. If necessary, even the URL displayed in the search results is changed. It should be noted at this point that a "snippet" on Bing is not a complete package of title, description, URL and other information (eg customer reviews), but the text extracted from the content of the respective web page. Under certain circumstances, the text content of the page described must be adjusted. A market experienced SEO company can do such optimization work for you and advise you on all questions about Bing and Google SEO.